In this article, you'll learn about the results of the Australia Right to Work checks that Certn offers through our partnership with Intercheck Global Pty Ltd (Certn InterCheck).
This article is part of a set. To learn more, read our overview article for this check and our article about ordering this check.
This article is for clients based in Australia who need to confirm their prospective employees’ (candidates’) eligibility to work in Australia.
In this article
Open the report
When an Australia Right to Work check is completed, you can view the report results. The way you access your report results depends on how you order our background checks:
- Using our web application: From your dashboard, select an application to view its report.
- Using your applicant tracking software (ATS): Check our Integrations section for instructions.
- Using our API: Refer to our API documentation for help requesting report results.
Explanation of results
As explained in our overview article about this check, this check works differently depending on whether or not your candidate is an Australian citizen. Similarly, the results that return and what they mean also depend on the citizenship of your candidate. The subsections that follow explain results for each type of candidate:
Results for Australian citizens
When you order an Australia Right to Work check for a candidate who is an Australian citizen, the check returns one of the following results:
- Cleared indicates that we were able to validate your candidate’s Australian citizenship based on the information and document they provided.
- Review indicates that your candidate appears to have valid Australian citizenship, but there is a discrepancy that you should review. For example, a Review status can mean that the citizenship document your candidate provided is in a previous name, and they could not or did not provide any or adequate proof of their change of name.
Did Not Pass indicates that we could not verify your candidate’s Australian citizenship. In this scenario, your candidate did not provide an acceptable document to confirm their Australian citizenship in their application, and when we followed up, they either:
- responded but could not provide an acceptable document, or
- did not respond to our request for an acceptable document.
To learn about possible next steps for Review and Did Not Pass results, refer to Next steps.
Results for non-Australian citizens
When you order an Australia Right to Work check for a candidate who is not an Australian citizen, the check returns one of the results in the list below. Results depend mainly on whether or not your candidate submits details that match a record in the Australian Department of Home Affairs’ Visa Entitlement Verification Online system (VEVO). To learn more about what is required for a match, refer to VEVO matching.
- Cleared indicates that we were able to verify your candidate’s right to work in Australia. This result is based on the existence of a record in the VEVO system that matches the name and document details that your candidate provided in their application.
Review can indicate several scenarios:
- A VEVO record was found that matches all details except your candidate’s name.
- A VEVO record was found and is within three months of its expiry date.
Note: The visa’s expiry date appears on the report in the Visa Details section.
- A VEVO record was found and there are conditions or restrictions on the candidate’s right to work in Australia.
Note: Additional details related to visa restrictions appear on the report in the Visa Conditions section.
Did Not Pass can indicate several scenarios:
- A VEVO record was found that indicates that the candidate is not entitled to work in Australia.
- A VEVO record that matches the candidate’s document was not found, and as a result, we were not able to confirm their right to work in Australia.
Note: Details about this result appear on the report in the Additional Notes section.
To learn about possible next steps for Review and Did Not Pass results, refer to Next steps.
VEVO matching
VEVO is the Australian Department of Home Affairs’ Visa Entitlement Verification Online system. Right to Work checks for non-Australian citizens work by checking the information your candidate submits in their application against records in the VEVO system. To be a match, your candidate’s submitted information must match a VEVO record on three points:
- Date of birth
- Document number
- Issuing country
To return a match, VEVO does not require that the candidate’s provided name matches the visa record. This allows for commonplace situations like name changes. Although name matching is not done by the VEVO system, our Australia Right to Work check does perform name matching, and it helps to determine the check’s result, as explained in the previous sections.
Note: If there is any discrepancy between the name your candidate provides and the name on the VEVO record, information about the discrepancy will appear on the report you receive.
Next steps
If the check returns a Review or Did Not Pass result, you can find more information about the result on your report. To do so, refer to the following report sections:
Additional Notes
This section can appear on the report for any candidate. If the result was Review or Did Not Pass, you can typically find more context for the result in the Additional Notes section. These notes are provided for you by our team. -
Visa Conditions
This section only applies to candidates who are not Australian citizens. This section of the report shows any visa conditions or restrictions that may apply to your candidate's entitlement to work in Australia.
If you still have questions about the check’s results after reading this section, contact our Support team for help.
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