In this article, you'll learn about the OneID identity verification checks that Certn offers. This article is part of a set. To learn more, read our articles about ordering this check and understanding this check's results.
This article is for clients who want to order OneID checks. If you're new to Certn, you can also request a demo to learn more.
Certn's OneID identity verification check uses biometric facial recognition technology to verify the identity of an individual instantly. It works by matching your candidate's government-issued identification (ID) with a real-time selfie. Our OneID check offers an improved experience for both you and your candidate and eliminates common pain points in the identity verification process:
- Avoid time-consuming processes that frustrate you and your candidates. OneID provides a seamless identity verification process that's easy for you to order and your candidate to complete.
- Don't miss out on great candidates. OneID accepts hundreds of ID types issued globally, so you can verify a candidate's identity regardless of their background.
- Reduce delays and uncertainty in your application process. OneID provides a fast and convenient way to verify that your candidates are who they say they are, right from the start.
How does it work?
During the application process, your candidate takes photos of a piece of government-issued photo ID. They also take a selfie and confirm some personal details including their full name. Using facial recognition technology, OneID then matches the name your candidate provides to the name on their ID, and the facial features in their selfie to those in the photo on their ID. You receive results instantly once the match is complete.
Depending on your needs, you can order a OneID check by itself or as part of an order with other background checks. For more information about ordering OneID checks, refer to Order a OneID check.
Who can order this check
OneID checks are available to both Human Resources (HR) and Property Manager (PM) users. Companies can verify the identities of their candidates for employment or tenancy purposes.
Turnaround time for this check
After your candidate successfully completes a OneID check, you receive the results instantly.
If your candidate cannot successfully complete the OneID check, we’ll reach out to complete a manual identity verification check instead. With your candidate’s help, we can typically complete manual identity verification checks within 24 hours.
Stages of this check
From start to finish, the stages for OneID checks ordered from the Certn web application are as follows:
1. Order
You place an order that includes a OneID check.
2. Application
Your candidate receives an email invitation to complete an application that includes OneID.
3. Processing
Certn processes the check instantly or, if manual verification is required, typically within 24 hours of collecting the required information from your candidate.
4. Results
The check’s results become available in your Certn dashboard.
How to get started
If you're new to Certn and you want to start ordering this check, start by creating your account. If you have an account and are ready to order this check, refer to our article about ordering this check.
Note for API clients: You can use Certn's API to invite your candidate to complete a OneID identity verification check. To learn how, visit this Certn API article and use the instructions for sending an invitation to your candidate.
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