In this article, you'll learn about the results of international criminal record checks from Certn. This article is part of a set. To learn more, read our overview article for this check and our article about ordering this check.
This article is for clients who want to understand the results of international criminal record checks. If you're new to Certn, you can also request a demo to learn more.
In this article
Open the report
When an international criminal record check is complete, you can view the report results.
- If you use Certn's web application to order background checks, then you open reports from your dashboard. For instructions, refer to Open a report.
- If you order background checks from Certn through your applicant tracking software (ATS), then check our Integrations section for instructions for opening reports from your ATS.
- If you use Certn's API to order background checks, refer to our API documentation for information about requesting report results.
Explanation of results
On the report that you receive for an international criminal record check, you'll find the following:
- An overall result for the international criminal record check
- An additional section for each country in which a check was run
Overall result
International criminal record checks receive an overall result of either Cleared or Review.
For more information on process, requirements or look back period for a specific country, please reference this resource.
If you have any questions about pending checks, please contact Certn Support.
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