The integration between Lever and Certn makes it easy to do background checks and verifications.
NOTE: The integration needs to be set up by a person who is both a Certn Admin and Lever Super Admin.
Get a Webhook signature token and an API key from Lever.
Go to Lever's settings (top right drop down), and navigate to the "Integrations and API" page. Select the "Webhooks" tab at the top of the page.
Toggle the "Candidate State Change" button (1), then click on "Add webhook" (2) within the section.
This will automatically generate a Signature Token. Copy the token and store it somewhere safe.
Next, select the "Partner Integrations" tab at the top of the page (also within the "Integrations and API" page in Lever's settings) to find the Certn integration from the "Background and reference checks" list. Toggle the button next to Certn to expand the section and click the "Generate New Key" button. Save the generated API key somewhere safe.
- Visit Certn to enter the API Key and the Webhook Signature, and to create a background check package.
Go to Certn's settings (top right drop down) and select the team you want to set up the integration for (select "Team Settings").
Navigate to the "Integrations" section (on the left) and expand the "Lever Integration" option.
Enter the API Key and Webhook Signature from Lever, and the name of the Lever stage you want as the trigger stage into the provided form (How do I find the Lever stage name that triggers my background check?).
Create at least one package to use with your Lever Integration by clicking the “Create New Package” button. Enter a name and choose the services that you want to include in your background check package.
Once you have created a package (or packages) you need to set one as the default. Click on the action button and choose "Make Default".
Click "Enable Integration" and copy the provided integration API webhook URL to the clipboard.
Return to Lever to enable the integration.
Paste the integration API webhook URL into the "Candidate Stage Change" section in the Webhooks tab of the "Integrations and API" page click "Verify Connection".
Your Certn-Lever Integration is now complete and should be ready to use!
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